Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Shopping Trip O' the Month

So in the full disclosure kind of way, I have to say that as we start to track purchases, we do still have some stores at home. I figure we will detail what we buy from here on out and estimate what we are using from what we already have. Sound fair?

That being said, our stores, especially in the protein department, were at critical levels. And we had no peanut butter, which is always a crisis. So after suffering a crushing tennis defeat (it was a 6-1, 6-0 beat down - not pretty) I was off to Sam's Club! $293.25 later, I was home with this:

For those looking for excruciating details, the breakdown is as follows....

$17.35 Ground Beef
$7.98 Breakfast Sausage Links
$19.20 Steak
$12.90 Chicken Breasts
$9.98 Chicken Nuggets (you know you feed them to your kids too)
$8.78 Bacon (you will soon find out how big a role bacon plays in our lives)
$4.38 Sausage 
$4.98 Apples
$14.54 Pork Tenderloin
$5.98 2 bags pretzels
$4.98 Pasta (it's a big bag - remember, I was shopping at Sam's)
$20.72 Leg of Lamb
$8.58 Granola Bars (kids snacks)
$7.18 Even more Granola Bars
$8.98 Gigantic Package of Goldfish
$8.98 Chocolate Chips (we love to bake cookies)
$6.98 Gogurt (a mainstay in the boy's diet)
$6.98 2 Pack of Peanut Butter
$16.98 Starbucks Coffee (huge vice)
$3.39 Milk
$11.72 That Big Ole Block of Cheese
$7.98 String Cheese
$7.98 Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs (that would be another vice)
$3.2 Eggs
$1.98 Hamburger Buns
$6.98 Clementines 
$1.54 Bananas
$10.34 Butter (4 lbs)
$2.48 Celery
$3.98 Baby Carrots
$5.48 Grape Tomatoes 
$7.28 Bell Peppers
$3.98 Blackberries
$5.48 Strawberries
$5.76 Cheerios
$7.15 Tax

So clearly, this was a BIG trip meant to last a while. I came home and immediately put both pork tenderloins in the freezer. There will probably be some chicken breasts headed there too. And that block of cheese, that should be around for a good long while. 

But that's the start! Let's see how far we can stretch it.


  1. Katie, that Sam's club ground beef... are you sure it's worth it??


  2. It was delicious! And while it is ground beef, it is certainly not the pre-made patties. Those are beyond the pale.
