Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How This All Got Started

So Team McK has been doing some belt tightening. We've done some pretty basic things (axing the cleaning lady - $200 a month savings) to some more radical plans (getting rid of cable - $110 a month savings.) As we got financially leaner we found there were a few categories remaining. There are the things we can't touch: retirement savings, college savings, piano lessons. And things we won't touch: country club membership and tennis lessons (I really like them.)

One big line item out there though where we saw room for improvement was food expenditures. We eat out infrequently so that budget category is pretty well under control but we are careless with the trips to the megamart.

Which brings us here. We're going to track our purchases, meals and see how it all shakes down. This blog is going to be kind of a mixed bag: recipes, meal planning, any other living frugal tips that come to mind.

Hope you like the trip.


  1. I'm very excited to follow along!

  2. Love it, can't wait to read it....you're a wonderful blogger. Maybe you could reference your post (in the other blog) about what Garde Manger means in your intro / about section.
