Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mashed Potato Soup

After a week or so of weather that was downright fantastic, things have turned cold and winter like again and I was hankering for soup. It will come as no surprise that our soup recipes are as loose as everything else we make. I'll outline what I made tonight with apologies in advance for the rough estimates on content amounts. Really, soup has so much room for improvisation that it is a perfect clean out the fridge meal!

First, boil about 2 lbs peeled potatoes in salted water. When they are soft, drain and add butter (don't be shy) and heavy cream (with a generous pour) and mash. Then add chicken stock - homemade if you have it, if not, commercial will do. I used about 32 oz and ended up with a thin soup. Add about 10 oz shredded cheddar cheese and a teaspoon cayenne pepper. I had some leftover broccoli so I threw that in too.

Let simmer on low, stirring occasionally, for about a 1/2 hour. Then enjoy!

But as ever, this is just a starting point. Feel free to add whatever you like: onions, mushrooms, peppers etc.  Meat if you really want it!

In addition to being a magnet for left overs, soup is a great value:

$1.79 Chicken stock
$0.76 Potatoes
$0.50 Heavy Cream
$0.30 Broccoli
$1.47 Cheese
$0.10 Butter

$4.92 Total and I made a big pot of soup - about 11 cups at $0.45 each.

If you are like me and come from a family not quite as enamored with soup as you are, freeze it in 2-4 cup portions. Perfect for when a rainy or snowy day comes along.

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